Introducing Out on a Limb Oopsy Daisy!
March 19, 2015

Chances are, you’ve said “Oops” more than once in your life. Let’s face it… we all ‘Chuck up from time to time! Sometimes you just have to take a moment, relax, and enjoy a refreshing sip of cider. Better yet? Make that a sip of Oopsy Daisy!
Oopsy Daisy is the next style of the Woodchuck® Out on a Limb™ series. Smooth and sweet, this cider is infused with actual chamomile flowers, bringing out sweet honey and citrus notes. At 5.5% ABV, this floral style has a bright “liquid gold” hue and medium body, making it the perfect thirst-quencher after a stress filled day wherever you might be.
The Out on a Limb™ series rotates styles every 30-60 days, so make sure to find a store near you and see what’s in your area! The 6-pack carrier always remains the same, but the bottles change with each cider, so check those neck labels for the descriptor of what’s inside!

Ready to get Out on a Limb™ near you?
Get this cider series into your favorite local spot by bringing in the Oopsy Daisy Fan Fact Sheet! This will have all the information the store will need to bring the product to their shelves. Just print it out, and drop it off, or shoot them an email with the following link!
Find the Out on a Limb™ Oopsy Daisy Fact Sheet HERE!
The Out on a Limb series might already be a store near you, so take a look at our Online Locator, or download our Mobile App to search for any style in your area!
The Woodchuck Hard Cider Mobile App!
It’s time to relax with an Oopsy Daisy!
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