Show us your Gumption and Win a Trip to Ciderstock!
July 5, 2015

Gumption. What does it mean? The dictionary defines it as “spirited initiative and resourcefulness. Courage and confidence.” The legendary showman, P.T. Barnum, had it. His spirit lives on in our newest cider, Gumption, and we know that it is also strong with you! Woodchuck fans are the ABSOLUTE BEST fans around, and we want you to show us why YOU have GUMPTION! We are excited to announce the Woodchuck “I Have Gumption” Video Contest where you could win one of ten trips for two to Vermont for our Ciderstock 2015 Music Festival on the weekend of August 22nd!
So, how do you enter? Step right up!
- Take a video of yourself telling or showing how you have Gumption. Have a unique or special talent? Now is the time to show it off! It can be anything from how you’re a lion tamer, to how you can eat 6 saltines under a minute (oh, trust us, we’ve tried it!). Be safe, revel responsibly, but be creative! Dressing up is encouraged!
- The video must be a minimum of 15 seconds and a maximum of two minutes in length.
- There is a limit to one entry per person, so put all your Gumption into that one take!
- Submit your video at; entries can also be submitted via Instagram using the #IHaveGumption hashtag.
- The entry period runs from June 22nd through July 8th.
- From July 9th to July 13th, entries will be posted on the website for public viewing and voting.
- Voting will be based on creativity/originality, personality/energy, quality of video, and by how it fits into the contest theme.
- Voting is limited to one (1) vote per person per day during the voting period, so get your friends to the site!
- The fifteen (15) entrants who receive the highest number of votes will move on to the finalist round!
- On July 16th, a panel of qualified judges (hand chosen by Woody of course) will review the Finalists’ Entries and select TEN GRAND PRIZE WINNERS!
And what you’ve been waiting for… THE PRIZES!
- Each of the fifteen finalists will receive TWO tickets to Ciderstock 2015 Music Festival and some Woodchuck® shwag, including a hat, t-shirt, sunglasses, and a koozie!
- And for the TEN Grand Prize Winners… You’ll win a two-night/three-day trip for you and one guest to Middlebury, VT for Woodchuck Ciderstock 2015! The prize includes…
- Round-trip transportation!
- Two nights accommodations here in beautiful Middlebury, Vermont!
- Two tickets to Woodchuck Ciderstock™ Music Festival!
- A $250 VISA gift card
The first step: Gather your Gumption, check out the official rules by clicking the image below, and get your submissions in today! After that, start working on those dance moves for Ciderstock!